About the Accelerating Entrepreneurship Using AI & Digital Program


In a world brimming with 1.8 billion dynamic youth, the necessity for meaningful employment opportunities poses a critical challenge. According to a recent World Bank report, nearly 600 million jobs will be needed by 2030 to absorb the growing global workforce. Micro and Small Enterprise development (MSEs), youth entrepreneurship, particularly digital entrepreneurship stands out as a promising solution in this landscape of opportunity and need.

There are over 300 million Micro and Small Enterprises in the world today and represent a significant 40% of the employment worldwide. While entrepreneurship and MSE development is a high priority for many governments around the world, a significant digital divide persists.

Leveraging AI and digital tools for entrepreneurship could prove instrumental in bridging this divide. Such intelligent no-code digital solutions could not only serve as an avenue for youth and economic empowerment, but as a powerful tool to help scale the MSE’s reach and impact.

To empower the youth, women, students, entrepreneurs, and micro enterprises (MSMEs) across the Commonwealth Nations to become digital-first businesses, the Commonwealth Secretariat in partnership with Open Weaver has launched the ‘Accelerating Entrepreneurship Using AI & Digital Program’ . This program will harness the power of students and youth, and empower them with AI & digital tools, so they can create digital startups or transform the MSMEs in their regions to digital businesses.


The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of 56 diverse and sovereign nations, spread across 5 regions of Asia, Africa, Pacific, Europe, Caribbean and Americas, and representing nearly one-third of the world’s population. Furthermore, the Commonwealth has a population of 2 billion of which 60% are youths. The Commonwealth’s engagement with youth underscores its commitment to nurturing and empowering future leaders. By fostering youth leadership, entrepreneurship, and skilling, the Commonwealth invests in creating a more inclusive and sustainable world.

Open Weaver is a SaaS Technology company Head Quartered in the US, with offices in the US and India, and helps businesses build digital solutions faster. Open Weaver Studio is the no-code for digital products and is the Easiest, Fastest, End-to-End platform to prototype, launch products, or take your business online.


The ‘Accelerating Entrepreneurship Using AI & Digital Program’ program is a multi year partnership that aims to harness the potential of Intelligent No-Code to empower students, young entrepreneurs and micro enterprises to become digital enterprises, in the Commonwealth’s 56 member states.

By leveraging Open Weaver’s innovative no-code technology, this program seeks to democratize digital development, enabling participants to create scalable business solutions without the need for traditional coding skills. Through a structured program offering training on entrepreneurship and digital tools, infrastructure support, and mentoring, the initiative promises to transform participants’ innovative ideas into sustainable businesses. The program will focus on key thematic areas such as Tourism, Finance, Climate Change, Health, Energy, Education, Blue Economy, Agriculture, Fisheries, MSME development.



  • The program will consist of Training and Mentorship on Entrepreneurship & Digital Tools, a Makeathon well as support on Implementation/Go-To Market.

  • The overall program including the Makeathon is designed to be completely virtual and is open to participation for all youth, students, entrepreneurs, micro-enterprises (MSMEs) across all the 56 Commonwealth Nations.

  • Participants will be empowered to create scalable business solutions or transform the micro businesses in their regions into digital businesses without the need for traditional coding skills.

  • Thematic focus areas include Tourism, Finance, Climate Change, Health, Energy, Education, Blue Economy, Agriculture, Fisheries, MSME development.



From small businesses to large enterprises, the Makeathon provides an opportunity for skilling, entrepreneurship, innovation and growth, by guiding entrepreneurs on how to create sustainable digital business solutions.

Register as Participant!

Register now as a mentor to support digital startup in your region or help transform the micro-enterprises in your region into digital businesses.

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